Terry Lott Jr. Named Mariner Community Campus Lead

Sno-Isle Libraries has hired Terry Lott Jr. to lead the development of the Mariner Community Campus project. 

Sno-Isle Libraries opened the Mariner Library in February 2017 as a demonstration project. The popularity of the new library, once a beloved bookmobile stop, inspired a series of conversations with State Senator Marko Liias, education and nonprofit partners, and the community to imagine what a permanent library and community campus could be. Subsequently, a community needs assessment was completed in 2019 with support from residents and stakeholders.  

 "We are excited to welcome Terry to the Sno-Isle Team. Our vision has always been that the Mariner Library would extend beyond its walls and into the community. Terry’s experience and community connections will help us to take the next step on that journey." Sno-Isle Libraries Executive Director Lois Langer Thompson said. 

Since the project began, the State Legislature has appropriated $4.19 million to fund project management, site selection, continued community engagement and architectural services. The creation of a Mariner Community Campus project lead is an extension of the work previously done, in effort to move the project forward in partnership with the community.  

“The community needs space to congregate and be together, especially children,” Lott said. “The library is it. I am excited about this opportunity. It all starts with community. I believe in the strength and resilience of the residents in the Mariner community. This is our opportunity to build something great.” 

Lott comes to Sno-Isle Libraries from Hand in Hand, where he held roles including Donor Development and Communications Manager, Operations Manager and Outreach Coordinator. As the Mariner Campus Lead, Lott will lead all aspects of partner and community engagement, fund development, communications, and provide overall project management, day-to-day support, and facilitation of the Marnier Community Campus Project.   

A resident of south Everett for over 20 years, Lott knows the Mariner community well. He serves on the City of Everett Diversity Advisory Board and with the local chapter of the NAACP. He received the 2020 Presidential National Volunteer Service Award for his work as a volunteer with local youth sports groups. Additionally, Lott is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Child, Youth and Family Studies. 

Learn more about the Mariner Library and Mariner Community Campus project.