Sno-Isle Libraries bids a fond farewell to two beloved library managers 

Sno-Isle Libraries will bid a fond farewell to two beloved library managers in February. Coupeville Library manager Leslie Franzen and Vicky Welfare of Langley Library will both be retiring as of March 1. Combined, they have served Sno-Isle libraries for more than eight decades. Leslie says of her 43 years of service, “I am like a tree where my roots go deep in this community.” 

Leslie got her start working as a page at the Coupeville Library while she was still in high school. After moving away, she returned to work at the library — taking over as the managing librarian in 1998.   

Over a decade later, her deep community roots helped garner the support to build the expansive new library building that customers enjoy today. Leslie recalls her delight during opening week of the new Coupeville Library and the, “wow factor as our customers streamed through the door and loaded up with armloads of brand-new books to take home.”   

Another favorite moment happened just this month when Leslie brought her granddaughter in to get her very first Sno-Isle library card. She recommends that everyone check out the new card designs for kids and teens. “They are sweet!” 

Leslie feels fortunate for her time working in a community that “loves Coupeville Library and the Sno-Isle services we provide.” She says, “I am very thankful, grateful, and blessed to have made this journey with all who I have served.”  

In her retirement, Leslie looks forward to time spent with her “sweet grandkids, hiking, gardening, art, travel, and more . . . lots of opportunities await!”  

You could say that working at the Langley Library was the culmination of a lifelong dream for Vicky Welfare. “When I was younger, I would come to Langley and point out the library, saying I was going to work there someday. And I did!” 

Vicky also started her Sno-Isle journey as a page. Her first position was with the Edmonds Library. From the start, she says her work at Sno-Isle pushed her to learn and grow. A shy 21-year-old, she would have been content just to shelve books. “Frankly, I was terrified when I was told that I would be assigned to work the front desk one day a week,” she says. But she grew comfortable in the role and was soon promoted to the position of public services assistant, offering customer service. After more than a decade at the Edmonds Library, she was ready for new challenges and applied for the position of Langley Library Manager where she has now been for 25 years.  

Like Leslie, Vicky has been at the forefront of massive changes in the library system as the digital age has revolutionized information technology. She is proud to have been tapped as a trainer of several of the many different systems Sno-Isle Libraries has implemented over the years. She is also pleased with the role she has played in advocating for the library remodel occurring this year, bringing a “wonderful newly refurbished library to the Langley community.” 

Vicky will cherish many memories from her work, including her camaraderie with coworkers and monthly carpools to managers’ meetings with the other island managers. She adds, “I have had so many fun little moments with the children who come to the library, seeing the joy on their faces as they share their excitement over finding a special book, hearing their shouts of joy at Storytimes, and smiling at the sage and silly things they say.” 

Of her retirement plans, she says, “I am looking forward to spending more time with family, traveling, and writing the Great American Novel.” We look forward to checking it out at the library!   

Sno-Isle Executive Director Lois Langer Thompson offered a note of appreciation, saying, "Vicky and Leslie devoted their careers to creating a welcoming and enriching environment for their customers and communities and have touched the lives of countless individuals with their knowledge, passion, and dedication. We are grateful for their decades of service and wish them all the best as they start their next chapter." 

You are invited to join us in celebrating Vicky and Leslie: 

Vicky’s Retirement Celebration at Langley Library: Friday, February 17 from 6 – 8 pm 

Leslie’s Retirement Celebration at Coupeville Library: Thursday, February 23 from 1 – 4 pm 

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