Langley Library construction update

Your revitalized library is becoming a reality! We’re taking measure of our progress on the Langley Library remodel project and here are the latest updates:

  • The new flexible community meeting room has been framed.
  • The public study rooms and expanded staff area are beginning to take shape.
  • Work to support the openings for the stairs and lift elevator is complete. Access to the lower level will add 1,500 square feet of public library space.
  • The view looking up will increase the amount of natural light when the clerestory windows are added.
  • Access into the library and the public restrooms will be ADA accessible.

During construction, temporary library services are available at the South Whidbey Community Center.

Sno-Isle Libraries is collaborating with the City of Langley to revitalize the 3,600-square-foot Langley Library to improve accessibility and energy efficiency while preserving the historic nature of the building. Learn more about the remodel project.