First Collective Bargaining Agreement with SILEU

Sno-Isle Libraries and Sno-Isle Libraries Employees United (SILEU) have finalized their first Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) on July 18. This is a testament to the hard work, collaboration, and commitment of everyone involved.

Sno-Isle Libraries employees organized through AFSCME Council 2 and in July 2023 the union was certified by the Washington State Public Employment Relations Commission. Sno-Isle Libraries supports library employees’ right to form and join a union.

Management and represented staff came together to share their ideas and worked to create an agreement aligned with organizational shared values and goals. SILEU currently represents 389 employees.

With the contract in place, Sno-Isle Libraries continues to focus on providing great library service for our customers and the community. Sno-Isle Libraries is united in our mission to engage and inspire our communities through equitable access to knowledge and resources.