Mill Creek Library
Hours & Information
Closed until 10:00am today
10:00AM - 8:00PM
10:00AM - 8:00PM
10:00AM - 8:00PM
10:00AM - 8:00PM
10:00AM - 6:00PM
10:00AM - 6:00PM
1:00PM - 5:00PM
15429 Bothell Everett Hwy
Mill Creek, WA 98012-1212
Library manager: Darlene Weber

About Mill Creek Library
- 24/7 book drop
- Air conditioning
- Automated external defibrillator
- Bike rack
- Computers & laptop checkout
- Contact-free services
- Device charging station
- First aid kit (available from staff)
- Friends of the library book sale area
- Language collections: Español (sólo libros infantiles) / Spanish (children’s titles only)
- Language collections: Pусский (только детские издания) / Russian (children’s titles only)
- Language collections: Tiếng Việt (chỉ có đầu sách thiếu nhi) / Vietnamese (children’s titles only)
- Language collections: 中文 (仅限儿童读物) / Chinese (children’s titles only)
- Language collections: 日本語 (児童書のみ) / Japanese (children’s titles only)
- Language collections: 한국어 (어린이 서적 전용) / Korean (children’s titles only)
- Parking lot
- Printing/copying/scanning
- Self-checkout stations
- Sensory Kits
- Sharps disposal container
- Single-stall all-gender restroom
- Water bottle filling station
- Water fountain
- Wi-Fi
- 1 van-accessible parking space
- Some materials are shelved about 4 feet & on bottom shelves in Adult, Children, DVD & holds sections
- Aisles are tight, especially holds & Kids sections
- Restroom doors are heavy
- Sidewalk in front is uneven & may flood or become slick, gutters leak
- Adjustable height service desk
- 1 adjustable height desk for public use
- Outdoor bookdrop slot is 60 inches high
- Lights are flashed at closing