Second Grade
Featured Content
Career Day
What do grown ups do all day? Check out these books that explore various careers.
Breathing to Calm Us
These books can help children manage these feelings through simple and fun breathing and mindfulness activities.
Black History Month for Kids
Books to give children a better understanding of the strength, pride and bravery of the Black community throughout history.
Classroom Support
Popular Series
Hooray for Poop!
Let's dive deep into poop (okay, maybe not). But really, poop is funny, stinky and useful, all at the same time!
This list features picture books exploring the holiday of Kwanzaa and demonstrating one or more of the Seven Principles in their stories.
Save the Animals
Learn more about our animal friends and what we can do to help them thrive on the planet that we all call home.
Hooray for Poop!
Let's dive deep into poop (okay, maybe not). But really, poop is funny, stinky and useful, all at the same time!
This list features picture books exploring the holiday of Kwanzaa and demonstrating one or more of the Seven Principles in their stories.
Save the Animals
Learn more about our animal friends and what we can do to help them thrive on the planet that we all call home.