Fourth Grade
Featured Content
Gorgeous Pictures: Graphic Novels & Picture Books
In these books for children, the lush, beautiful pictures carry the wordless or nearly wordless story.
Martin Luther King Jr.
List of books for middle grade readers, celebrating the work and the legacy of MLK Jr.
Great LGBTQ+ Books for Middle Graders
Check out these middle grade stories that celebrate love, courage, and being true to yourself.
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Popular Series
A Picture's Worth 1000 Words: K-8 Graphic Novels
Graphic novels are a great way to get kids reading and build literacy skills! Check out these fantastic graphic novels for kids grades K-8.
Environmental Protection
Celebrate Earth Day with books for kids that impart the importance of conservation and offer ideas to help protect our beautiful planet.
Time Travel for Middle Graders
Time travel is a great way to explore "What ifs", or to gain empathy for the way people lived and the decisions they made.
A Picture's Worth 1000 Words: K-8 Graphic Novels
Graphic novels are a great way to get kids reading and build literacy skills! Check out these fantastic graphic novels for kids grades K-8.
Environmental Protection
Celebrate Earth Day with books for kids that impart the importance of conservation and offer ideas to help protect our beautiful planet.
Time Travel for Middle Graders
Time travel is a great way to explore "What ifs", or to gain empathy for the way people lived and the decisions they made.