


Woman in a white sweater sitting and reading a tablet, OverDrive

Find Available Ebooks on OverDrive

Read ebooks and comics or listen to audiobooks from your browser with OverDrive. For the best mobile experience, use the Libby App.

Libby, by OverDrive

Enjoy ebooks, digital audiobooks and magazines on your favorite internet-connected device.

Getting Started with Ebooks

Learn how to access new and popular titles from your favorite device. Instantly borrow and return digital books, magazines and more.

March Madness: A Slam Dunk Reading Experience

Whether you're a die-hard basketball fan or just love a good underdog story, get ready to experience the highs and lows of the tournament.

New & On Order

Instant Access

February Instant Access: 'Accordion Eulogies' by Noé Álvarez

Enjoy no holds or waiting for "Accordion Eulogies: a Memoir of Music, Migration and Mexico" by Noé Álvarez on ebook & streaming audiobook.

Could It Be Your Lucky Day?

Learn about instantly accessing high-demand ebooks with the CloudLibrary Express Collection.

Read your favorite comics with OverDrive

Access digital versions of popular comics and graphic novels in OverDrive

Hoopla Comics for Kids

Enjoy your favorite kids comics in hoopla.

General Fiction

Mystery & Thrillers

Historical Fiction


Science Fiction




Fiction Inspired by True Black History

African American historical fiction with a basis in true people or events.

Valentine's Day Love Stories

These books all happen at least partly on Valentine's Day--a great way to celebrate the holiday.

Black Love Blooms

Explore a charming selection of love stories featuring black characters finding their way to true love.

Canadian Mystery Series

Canada’s vast landscapes and vibrant cities make for the perfect setting for gripping mysteries.

FAQ: Ebooks & Digital Audiobooks

  • OverDrive & Libby

    Borrow ebooks and digital audiobooks from your computer or most smartphones and tablets through OverDrive's Libby app, Sno-Isle's OverDrive website, or the library's catalog. Note: While you can borrow ebooks and digital audiobooks from the library's catalog, the catalog does not support downloading EPUB, PDF, or MP3 formats.

    See Getting Started With Ebooks to learn more, or find help topics at OverDrive Help.


    Our Express ebook collection is available on our CloudLibrary website or app. Get no-wait access to high-demand ebooks from our Express collection with a 7-day loan period, no renewals.

    Learn more about the CloudLibrary Express collection or find help topics at CloudLibrary Help.

  • Use the “Notify Me” smart tag in Libby to express interest in titles not currently in the collection. When you tag a title with “Notify Me,” your interest in the title is shared with Sno-Isle Libraries and any of your other saved libraries. If the title is purchased, you will receive a notification and have the option to borrow or place the title on hold. 

    For step-by-step instructions, see Finding and tagging titles not offered by your library 

    Note: The Recommend to Library feature in OverDrive was discontinued on May 1, 2023.  

  • Both Libby and OverDrive carry a selection of Kindle-compatible ebooks. Kindle Books are automatically returned to your library at the end of their lending periods. If you finish a Kindle Book before its due date, you can return it on Amazon's website, on your Kindle ereader, or from the Kindle app.

    Learn more about borrowing Kindle books from Libby help and OverDrive help

  • You may have a maximum of 50 holds at a time for physical items, such as books and DVDs. This total does not include items in held or shipped status.

    You may have a maximum of 10 holds at a time on OverDrive items.

  • Please contact us and our staff will assist you. 

    If you get a replacement library card, please let staff know if you have any items checked out or on hold in OverDrive or Libby. Staff will make sure your titles are transferred to the replacement card. 

FAQ: Contact Us

  • Chat with us

    By email

    • Submit your questions, comments or suggestions by email and our librarians will assist you.

    By phone

    • Check Locations & Hours to find your community library's phone number and operating hours.
    • Questions? A member of our Administrative Center staff can also help direct your call. Call us at 360-651-7000 (local) or 877-766-4753 (toll-free), Monday - Friday, 7:30 am - 4:30 pm.

    Text us

    • Text your questions to (360) 810-5188. Text assistance is available Monday - Saturday, 9 am - 6 pm. Please include your name and telephone number in your initial message. Standard text messaging rates apply.

    Book a Librarian

    • Make an appointment for a virtual or in-person Book a Librarian session. These free sessions allow you to get one-on-one assistance with your research and technology questions. 
  • Contact us for assistance.

  • Sno-Isle Libraries provides access to its public records under the provisions of the Washington State Public Records Act RCW 42.56, the Public Records Policy, and the Public Records Request Administrative Policy.  

    The Library makes a variety of records available online, including, but not limited to: 

    Other records maintained by the Library are available for public inspection or copy, unless specifically exempted by law.  

    Use of the Library’s Public Records Request form is the most efficient way to make a request; however, its use isn’t required for a request to be processed. Requests may be submitted in person, via mail, email, or phone. To best assist you, include the following information: 

    • Contact information of requester 
    • Identification of the public records adequate to locate the records 
    • Whether you wish to inspect the records in person and/or purchase physical or digital copies 
    • The date and time of day of the request 

    Anyone wishing to inspect or receive a copy of the Library’s public records or seeking assistance in making such a request should contact the Library’s Public Records Officer: 

    Stacy Siler
    Public Records Officer

    Sno-Isle Libraries
    7312 35th Ave NE
    Marysville, WA 98271-7417
    Phone: 360-651-7026/ Fax: 360-651-7151

    The more precisely you can identify the record(s) you seek, the more responsive the Library can be. You do not need to state the purpose of your request. However, in an effort to clarify or prioritize a request and provide responsive documents, the Public Records Officer may inquire about the nature or scope of the request. 

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