Contact Us

Have a question, comment, or suggestion for Sno-Isle Libraries? Contact us by chat, email, phone, or text.


A stack of hardcover books seen from the edge, Proquest Learning Literature

Suggest a Purchase & Interlibrary Loan

If you didn’t find what you’re looking for in our collection, we may still be able to get it for you.



  • Text your question to 360‐810‐5188‍
  • Monday - Saturday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
  • Include your full name for faster service
  • Standard text messaging rates apply


  • Your PIN defaults to the last four digits of your phone number. If no phone number was submitted, the default is 1234. 

  • Your library card number is the 14-digit number printed on the back of your library card. If you have an online library card, your number will be emailed to you after complete your card registration.

    You can access a digital version of your barcode number in the Sno-Isle Libraries app. Just tap the card icon in the upper right-hand corner of the Home screen.

  • Contact us or visit your community library to update, renew, or replace your card.

    Library cards expire every five years.

  • OverDrive & Libby

    Borrow ebooks and digital audiobooks from your computer or most smartphones and tablets through OverDrive's Libby app, Sno-Isle's OverDrive website, or the library's catalog. Note: While you can borrow ebooks and digital audiobooks from the library's catalog, the catalog does not support downloading EPUB, PDF, or MP3 formats.

    See Getting Started With Ebooks to learn more, or find help topics at OverDrive Help.


    Our Express ebook collection is available on our CloudLibrary website or app. Get no-wait access to high-demand ebooks from our Express collection with a 7-day loan period, no renewals.

    Learn more about the CloudLibrary Express collection or find help topics at CloudLibrary Help.

  • Remote printing can be submitted from your home computer, a library laptop, or another device through our Remote Printing Portal

    To Print Remotely

    Visit the library’s Remote Printing Portal. Enter your library card number and PIN then choose Web Print from the left menu. If you are on mobile, tap View in Desktop Mode from the bottom of the summary.

    1. Select Submit a Job
    2. Select black and white or color and size of paper you would like to print
    3. Select the Print Options and Account Selection button
    4. Enter the number of copies you need and select the Upload Documents button
    5. Upload files by dragging them into the highlighted box or browse files by selecting Upload from Computer
    6. Select the Upload and Complete

    To Retrieve Your Remote Print Job

    1. To print yourself, visit any library during open hours. At the print station, enter your library card number and PIN, then select the job you would like to print. Remote printing requests are retained until customers retrieve their printouts or 72 hours, whichever comes first
    2. To have library staff print the job for you, select the Request Assistance button. Documents will be ready to pick up the next business day. See locations and hours to plan ahead.




  • Text your question to 360‐810‐5188‍
  • Monday - Saturday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
  • Include your full name for faster service
  • Standard text messaging rates apply
A stack of hardcover books seen from the edge, Proquest Learning Literature

Suggest a Purchase & Interlibrary Loan

If you didn’t find what you’re looking for in our collection, we may still be able to get it for you.


  • Your PIN defaults to the last four digits of your phone number. If no phone number was submitted, the default is 1234. 

  • Your library card number is the 14-digit number printed on the back of your library card. If you have an online library card, your number will be emailed to you after complete your card registration.

    You can access a digital version of your barcode number in the Sno-Isle Libraries app. Just tap the card icon in the upper right-hand corner of the Home screen.

  • Contact us or visit your community library to update, renew, or replace your card.

    Library cards expire every five years.

  • OverDrive & Libby

    Borrow ebooks and digital audiobooks from your computer or most smartphones and tablets through OverDrive's Libby app, Sno-Isle's OverDrive website, or the library's catalog. Note: While you can borrow ebooks and digital audiobooks from the library's catalog, the catalog does not support downloading EPUB, PDF, or MP3 formats.

    See Getting Started With Ebooks to learn more, or find help topics at OverDrive Help.


    Our Express ebook collection is available on our CloudLibrary website or app. Get no-wait access to high-demand ebooks from our Express collection with a 7-day loan period, no renewals.

    Learn more about the CloudLibrary Express collection or find help topics at CloudLibrary Help.

  • Remote printing can be submitted from your home computer, a library laptop, or another device through our Remote Printing Portal

    To Print Remotely

    Visit the library’s Remote Printing Portal. Enter your library card number and PIN then choose Web Print from the left menu. If you are on mobile, tap View in Desktop Mode from the bottom of the summary.

    1. Select Submit a Job
    2. Select black and white or color and size of paper you would like to print
    3. Select the Print Options and Account Selection button
    4. Enter the number of copies you need and select the Upload Documents button
    5. Upload files by dragging them into the highlighted box or browse files by selecting Upload from Computer
    6. Select the Upload and Complete

    To Retrieve Your Remote Print Job

    1. To print yourself, visit any library during open hours. At the print station, enter your library card number and PIN, then select the job you would like to print. Remote printing requests are retained until customers retrieve their printouts or 72 hours, whichever comes first
    2. To have library staff print the job for you, select the Request Assistance button. Documents will be ready to pick up the next business day. See locations and hours to plan ahead.
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