Quiz: Are you a wizard, Harry? by caseygSeptember 2, 2020 Quiz: Are you a wizard, Harry? Are you a wizard or not? Take our Harry Potter quiz to find out. "*" indicates required fields Which Hogwarts house is the ghost known as the Grey Lady associated with?* Gryffindor Hufflepuff Slytherin Ravenclaw What is the basic spell to make light?* Wingardium Leviosa Anapneo Incendio Lumos Which plant should you cover your ears to care for?* Leaping Toadstools Devil's Snare Gillyweed Mandrake Which potion creates luck?* Amortentia Veritaserum Polyjuice Potion Felix Felicis Who said it: "Why is it when something happens, it's always you three?" * Lucius Malfoy Neville Longbottom Professor Dumbledore Professor McGonagall What age was Harry Potter turning in the first chapter of the first book (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone)?* 12 11 13 10 At what platform can students catch the Hogwarts Express?* 7 3/4 12 1/4 9 3/4 9 1/4 What is the spell to make objects float?* Incendio Accio Obliviate Wingardium Leviosa What is the symbol that Professor Trelawney sees in Harry Potter's tea leaves?* The Skull The Sun The Cross The Grim In the first film, what are the two colors of icing Hagrid used on Harry Potter’s birthday cake?* Pink and Green White and Brown White and Green Pink and Brown CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.