Book Buzz Episode 77 – Orbital & Below

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Air date: Nov. 24, 2024

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Episode 77 - Air date: Nov. 24, 2024


Hi, this is Jessica Russell. I’m the assistant director of collection services at Sno-Isle Libraries. And welcome to Book Buzz.

Today's two reading recommendations are both single-word titles. One is science fiction and the other is paranormal horror.

First, we’re going to hear from Kat, librarian at the Edmonds Library, for a story that takes us to outer space. Go ahead, Kat.


Sixteen. That is the number of orbits the international space station makes in a 24-hour period. Sixteen sunrises, 16 sunsets in 24 hours. To reduce disorientation and disruption to the crew’s circadian rhythm, NASA encourages astronauts to look at their watch and repeat out loud the time and day they are experiencing.

“Orbital” by Samantha Harvey, follows six fictional astronauts, including two Russian cosmonauts, and astronauts from England, Italy, Japan, and the U.S. As they float in the ISS that hurtles through space, they’re conducting experiments, reporting back to earth, experiencing brief communication with loved ones and strangers on earth. There is the everyday stuff about using toilets and preparing meals and even a scene where they all watch a movie and fall asleep, separately yet together. They are brilliant and brave professionals who feel loneliness, grief, desire, hope.

With each orbit they watch and monitor a typhoon brewing. Their unique perspective of planet earth from a distance reminds us how insignificant and powerless we all feel at times. Harvey’s writing is contemplative and light. Reading it, I felt as though I was floating through space with the characters. “Orbital” is a fascinating inside look at life aboard the International Space Station and a gorgeous love letter to our one and only planet Earth.


Thanks, Kat! I would love to feel like I’m floating through space with these characters.

Next, let’s hear about a chilling tale of supernatural suspense, from Emily, library associate at the Marysville Library. Take it away, Emily.


The novella “Below” by Laurel Hightower is 106 pages long and I loved every single one of them. Part supernatural survival-horror, part creature-feature, this harrowing tale puts our main character through a nightmare. And it’s the way Addy reacts to all she faces — gradually growing gradually growing more courageous despite her unsettling circumstances — that made this book so satisfying.

While on a long, solo drive through the mountains of West Virginia, she narrowly avoids crashing into a stalled van. Catching sight of the driver, she’s unnerved to see that he’s smiling at her. Wisely leaving the stranded man behind, she guns it to the closest, well-lit roadside diner. There, she meets a friendly trucker named Mads. Worried about the difficult drive ahead of them both, Mads talks her into accepting a portable C.B. radio so they can stay in contact.

The two swap stories as their mini-convoy winds through the night towards an old bridge. But, as Mads’s rig starts across it, both drivers are suddenly submerged in impossible, total darkness. Adrift in a starless void, the truck careens through the bridge’s guard rails and into the valley below. When Addy decides to climb down after Mads, she doesn’t know if he’s alive or if she can even help. And she definitely doesn’t know this might all be a trap.


Thanks, Emily! This book sounds like a gripping and haunting read.

Our recommendations this week are: “Orbital” by Samantha Harvey and “Below” by Laurel Hightower.

Join us next time, when we’ll explore more great reading recommendations — interesting books you can find at your favorite local bookstore or at your local library.

Until then, I’m Jessica Russell from Sno-Isle Libraries.

Thanks for joining us for Book Buzz on KSER.

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