Watch as David B. Williams talks about his book Homewaters: A Human and Natural History of Puget Sound.
Watch Now! A Morning with Nancy Pearl
By PeggyN
Watch as Nancy Pearl shares her favorite reads of 2021.
LinkedIn Learning Tutorial
By Katherine C
LinkedIn Learning, formerly, is a great way to keep up with new technologies and new teaching techniques. All you need is a Sno-Isle Libraries card to access this powerful resource for free! It has a section devoted to K-12 educators, featuring courses on everything from crafting a syllabus, teaching complex topics, preparing students for the future, teaching visual thinking, gamification and using technology to help students succeed.
By Jessica K.
English | Español | 中文 | 日本語 | 한국어 | Pусский | Tiếng Việt 我们现在提供中文的 Sno-Isle Libraries 目录。所有按钮、标签和信息均有中文版本,以提高您的浏览体验,让您能够更加轻松的查找资料。 此外,Sno-Isle Libraries 应用程序也有中文版本。该应用程序提供便捷的移动访问功能。有了此应用程序,您可以: 检查您的图书预留状态 预订图书 浏览完整的 Sno-Isle Libraries 目录 查找最近的 Sno-Isle Libraries 社区图书馆 发现针对所有年龄人群即将进行的活动和计划 Sno-Isle Libraries 应用程序可在苹果的 App Store 和谷歌的 Play Store 下载,并且可在苹果和谷歌的 Android 智能手机以及 iPad 上使用。打开智能手机应用商店,搜索 “Sno-Isle Libraries”,然后将该应用程序下载到手机上。 在计算机上切换语言 可以通过在计算机屏幕左上角的下拉菜单中选择您的语言来切换语言。 在该应用程序上切换语言 Sno-Isle Libraries 应用程序根据您的智能手机的语言设置,自动加载您的语言选择。如果您想切换到新的语言,请升级您的智能手机的语言设置…
Language features for library catalog and app
By Jessica K.
English | Español | 中文 | 日本語 | 한국어 | Pусский | Tiếng Việt The Sno-Isle Libraries catalog is available in six languages: English, 日本語 (Japanese), 한국어 (Korean), Pусский (Russian), 中文 (Simplified Chinese), Español (Spanish), and Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese). All buttons, labels, and messages are available in your language of choice to enhance your browsing…
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